
Manufacturing Process


Coco pith Procurement

Our production process starts with the finest procuring of freshwater grown coconut husks. It almost takes 6 weeks of time for the desired curing process of coconut husks. After this curing, the coconut fibers will be separated and undergo a grading process. We consider only high grade coco pith for further processing


Washing / Aging

Our handpicked supreme grade coco pith is now ready to stay in a clean weed free cement floor for a period of 18 months at this stage. It is the crucial stage of the process where the excess salt gets washed off by the monsoon rain. Now the coco pith is perfect in its PH neutral. We wash the pith with fresh water for obtaining preferred levels of pH and electric conductivity.


Screening / Sieving

After thorough examination and evaluation of desired PH level, electric conductivity and salt content, it is ready for the sieving stage. This stage ensures the pith is removed off the fiber chunks and other impurities. As the pith gets into the form of preferred sieving size, they are moved to the next drying stage for moisture content reduction



At this stage of drying, the coco piths are dried on cement floor under the conditions of sunny days. After assuring that the coco peat has reached the moisture level of below 18%, it moves to final screening.


Final screening

This stage involves removal of sand through automated screeners. Complete screening is done to make sure no impurities or bigger coco husks are present.



The final stage screening coco peat will get compressed into desired sizes of blocks through our modernized and advanced automated hydraulic compression machines. Our expert team ensures right compression in all product lines.


Packaging / Labelling

Careful visual inspections for any defects are done for the compressed coco peat blocks. Based on the unique needs of customers, we make the packing as a primary, secondary or tertiary one.



Once the packaging completes the final inspection, the products are palletized based on the shipping standards. We only use the best palletizing materials that are in accordance with ISPM standards.



After the pallets are approved for shipping, we load them in our trusted and authorized logistics providers to take to the ports. As soon as the containers get into the ship, we start tracking their movement and inform our customers about the latest update of products.